Event Coverage

Pink Dollar Possy Premiere – Speaks for Itself

For Eli, Casey, Devi, J, and Lex, The Saloon Minneapolis seems the perfect place to premiere Out at Sea. The Venue is dark, seductive, and exciting, full of Minneapolis LGTBQ+ community members and allies curious to see what brought in all the thrill seeking, XXL wearing, beard bearing boarders. The Pink Dollar Possy of course.

Its one of my personal favorite places I have been for a snowboarding event after the Possy premiered their first street video there in 2021. No need to worry about being on best behavior or offending any ski resort locals. An abundance of well practiced bartenders. An incredible speaker system to really feel each board slap right in your chest. 

Canoodling, conversing, and colliding with a crowd fully mixed, a large microphone makes it easy for Eli to gain boarders and night lifers attention alike. All stars of the movie share inspirational words and shouts pepper the dish for its full flavor as the video begins. Most of us wearing new merchandise carefully tie-dyed by the members of said gang themselves, we begin the ritualistic shouting, wooping, and yelping that make for the street snowboardings scenes language of approval. And theres a lot to approve of. 

A roar goes out as the video wraps up and the members are surrounded by excited individuals, congratulation in awe and attempting to understand some of the madness we had all just witnesses… what’s this? the stage is removed quickly, Possy Merch table disappears, the lights dim, a smoke machine purrs and the Drag Queens being to march to the sweet sounds of Queen Beyonce. What could be a better way to emphasize the majesty provided by Eli, the rest of the Possy, and the Saloon itself. 

Thank you


More Coming Soon!

Happy Holidays Gang.

All was well at the Seymour house, and we even got a full Christmas with the whole family in the same state for the first time in quite some.

This is a little update I made this Monday, it isn’t my best, but I felt I needed my voice out there after two weeks hiatus. Radio Style, Let me know what you think.

The snowboarding noises at the beginning are from a behind-the-scenes with PanicOrder (a group of young snowboarders from the South Metro). Be excited for that!

Next up is the Pink Dollar Possy Premier. It will be on here by tomorrow if not a bit sooner. 

Ride On.
